Traditional media have radically changed. The internet and social media are challenging the role of journalists. The former “gatekeeper” who had the monopoly to choose and edit information does not exist anymore. What does this mean for your work with media and politics?
Traditional media have radically changed. The internet and social media are challenging the role of journalists. The former “gatekeeper” who had the monopoly to choose and edit information does not exist anymore. What does this mean for your work with media and politics?
Policy-making today takes place under different framework conditions than a couple of years ago. Politicians are under constant observation and need to justify their actions each and every time, lobbying is seen very critically. How to communicate with the political world in such an environment?
Communication Works provides support in communicating with journalists and politicians and in developing own strategies to get your voice heard in media.
Do not ask what your Member of Parliament can do for you…
(freely after John F. Kennedy, US-President 1961-1963)
Journalists and politicians play a decisive role in the Public Relations of almost every organisation. In most cases, we know what we expect from media and politics. However: Do we know what they are expecting from us? – Knowing it is crucial for anyone who wants to get their attention.
Communication Works advises organisations and communication teams on how to tailor their activities to the needs of journalists and to understand the interests of their political speaking partners as a precondition for pursuing their own objectives.
We can also take over the operative work for special projects. We monitor and manage relevant issues for you on the European scene. Or we develop customised strategies for the approach to media and politics together with your own team.
Should we tweet? And if so, what?
But you should not rely only on intermediates like journalists and politicians to get in touch with the public. Rather make sure there is a direct line, too. Today, organisations become publishing houses and publish content whorthwhile to be shared in social media.
Communication Works supports the media strategy and identifies the right channels: When does it make sense to have a Facebook-page, a Twitter-account or a YouTube channel? And how do contents and way of working differ from those on the internet, intranet or a press release?
We do exactly what and as much as you need: We advise on the channel strategy, develop your internet page and your presence on social platforms, and we formulate your content so that it becomes relevant and shareable. Or we run your social media channels on the occasion of your events.